Friday, December 7, 2012

The Best Video Marketing Campaign

Before you decide upon your video marketing campaign you need to ask yourself a few questions. Video has the potential to boost your sales and gain you more subscribers, so it is important to take some time to plan out exactly the kind of video marketing tools you intend to use.

Who is your target audience? Do you know their demographics and where they are likely to be located? Also what is your end goal in all this? If you have decided to use YouTube in your online video marketing campaign then why did you come to this decision?

It is wrong and foolish to base your digital video marketing on the latest trends and technological fashions. You cannot choose something just because you see others doing the same thing. You would be better off finding a video strategy that fits your product and business model.

Know your customer

Ask the following questions:

· Does your potential customer use the internet?

· What is the speed of their internet connection?

· Do they use their phone to access internet content?

· Is your customer familiar with your company and products?

If your potential customer does use the internet and has a fairly fast connection then you can base your video marketing campaign around YouTube. If your end goal is to get better conversions and perhaps more sales, then using YouTube marketing will be very good for your business.

Video marketing secrets

Most people tend to think YouTube is the only video site out there. True, it is the most popular by far, but there are many other smaller sites which offer good value. Metacafe for example is another site which you can upload your video to for extra traffic back to your website. As the saying goes, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your video marketing for better results.

The secret of getting traffic back to your website is to add your website link in the description box as well as to the video itself. Once your video has been uploaded to video sites you will start to see traffic coming back to your own website.

What types of online video should we create?

There are many categories that a video can fall into. Essentially they are educational, humorous, informative, controversial and entertaining. You should try to create a video that is informative and if you can inject a bit of humour here and there, then all the better. At the very least keep it light and upbeat and try not to drone on and on.

A good video will engage the viewer and be no longer than around two minutes. After this time the mind can tend to wander if the video is not keeping our interest.

If you are talking about a company product for example, then why not demonstrate it on camera. People love to be informed and educated. Look at the many demonstrations of items such as laptop computers, cameras and smartphones available on YouTube. If your video is convincing enough you can certainly expect further interest and clicks back to your website.

Video presentations

Another good video marketing campaign strategy is to film a presentation or seminar you are involved in. This could also be packaged as a DVD for purchase. If you know what you are talking about you can truly brand yourself and your business in this way.

Video blog

Sometimes called a VLog, this is very much like a normal blog except you are talking about things on camera. Someone from your company can talk about the issues of the day. All it takes is someone to film them talking and then you can upload this onto the blog. People love to check out blogs.

Video testimonials

Sometimes text testimonials on a sales page are never enough. Can we really trust them? Why not use your video camera to film people giving testimonials about your product or company. Video testimonials are used effectively after seminars when members of the audience are invited to comment on what they have experienced.

Sales pages into video

Why not convert your online sales pages into video sales pages. This is a great video web marketing tool to use. An engaging sales video is far better than a long page of endless text. When we hear a voice speaking out loud the sales copy, this builds a level of trust with the viewer.


Your video marketing campaign should be planned in advance and be strategically beneficial for your business. The power of online video allows you to put your business on the map and gain better conversions. You will have a worldwide audience only too eager to see what you have to offer.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   

Web Video Goldmine

Over the years internet marketing has evolved. Today one of the most important facts of it is web video. You should really be using this in your marketing strategy. In this article I will why YouTube and web video marketing is useful for taking your business to the next level.

One site, YouTube has become the top site in the world for watching online video content. The growth of the site has been staggering to say the least. The huge number of videos uploaded each day to YouTube is simply phenomenal.

As of January 2012 it has been reported that 86,000 hours of footage are uploaded each day to YouTube.

Don't you think it is time you were part of this phenomenon by making your own web video to advertise your products? By not doing so you are missing out on a huge traffic source which could attract millions of people to your website. If you want to increase subscribers and profits then get involved with video now.

Predictions have stated that 90% of internet content will be in web video format by 2014. This can only be good for any business that has an online presence.

An important factor in the growth of internet video is how people view their online content these days. There has been an explosion in portable devices such as the tablet computer, smartphones, iPads etc. All these new devices are used by people to look at internet content.

There is no better way to get your point across than by using web video. Instead of simply telling everyone about your product, why not show them visually also?

Around ten videos a month are produced and hosted on YouTube by the average Fortune 100 company. A Burson-Marsteller study conducted not so long ago stated that these companies would rather use this video strategy than write seven blog posts in the same period.

Have a think on how web video can be used to promote your products or service. Keep in mind the cost of doing so will be quite low and you won't need to use any professional video company. These services would cost you thousands of dollars, but there are other ways to produce quality video content.

If your competition is not using video and you can produce at least one video a month then you will be keeping ahead of them. To make a TV commercial would be really expensive. To advertise with a video on YouTube will cost a lot less.

Web video content costs

Always a consideration for any business is whether or not a venture is going to be cost effective. Online video is in fact a low cost form of advertising compared to other marketing strategies you may have considered. Yes you need a camera of some kind, but this can also be done cheaply. For example, a smartphone or Flip type camera can create very good quality video.

Web video marketing tools

A camcorder is my preference for creating video as I find it serves my purpose better. You will need a computer for editing the video and also some editing software.

There is free editing software you can use such as Microsoft Windows Movie Maker, but this may be too simplistic for your needs. For many standard videos it will be adequate. There are different web video formats so make sure you have an understanding of this and select the correct one.

You will also need some experience in editing web video and this can be time consuming. You may find you need to give more attention to other areas of your business. If this is the case then consider outsourcing your video needs to someone who is keen to handle this for you.

There is a process which needs to be followed with online video. What may take the time for you is creating the video, editing it, uploading it and optimising it for the search engines. You may find someone to take care of some or all of this for you. There are a few web video content places around worth considering.

Plan of action

Before going ahead with web video marketing you need to decide upon what it is you are trying to achieve. What is your video going to be about and how long is it likely to be? You should aim to make your content run for around two minutes otherwise people may become bored. Have some kind of storyboard ready.

Do you intent to appear on camera? It is not always necessary and you could simply use narration and text in the web video.

Are you filming the computer screen only? If you do go down this route then there is software available that can help you with this. Some of it can be pricey however and some of it is free. I would not recommend the free software though as the results just don't look professional.

Are you intending to demonstrate your product or service? If so then you will need to rehearse exactly what it is you are going to say. It would be worth filming the web video many times until you are happy with the results. It is possible, although unlikely that you will get it right the first time you do it so don't be afraid to make changes.

Web video delivery

How will your potential customers find your video? If you host it on a video site such as YouTube then you can get customers this way. You may want to consider creating a blog or website however. You could deliver your video to existing customers via email. The potential for follow up sales here is good as people like the fact that you've sent them a personal video email.

Maximize search engine optimization opportunities

It will help with search engine optimisation if you get involved with video marketing. Web video is 53 times more likely to turn up on Google page one than any other form of media.

When you type into Google a search term such as 'Cats', you will get a list of web pages returned in the results as well as videos. Are you starting to see how a video marketing campaign can be beneficial for your business? You may be thinking creating, uploading and using online video is going to be expensive for small business internet marketing purposes. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is hard to see how other media can compare to the effectiveness of YouTube these days.


If you are not using web video in your business now then it may be something you could look at. The potential is enormous and it just might be the missing link between having a successful business or one that fails. See what video can do for your sales today.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   

3 Ways To Get More YouTube Video Views

Do you want more visitors to your YouTube videos? Do you feel like YouTube is ineffective for you? If so, then you should know that there are things that you can do to get more views for your video simply and easily. Marketing on YouTube doesn't have to be hard - all you have to do is follow a few simple principles that will get you the most traffic.

Here's the first way that you can get more visitors to your YouTube videos:

1) Promote your YouTube channel in your email signature

If you have an email list, you can list your YouTube channel at the end of every email, and encourage your subscribers to visit you on YouTube. Some times people want a real person to connect with, and instead of only giving email tips, give a real person that they can relate to.

The more email subscribers you get, the more people will watch your videos. It's just a natural law of probability and statistics. Encourage your email subscribers to refer a friend to your website and sign up for your email newsletter also. These new sign ups will also be exposed to your YouTube videos, thereby giving you more traffic.

Here's another tip for getting more YouTube views:

2) Offer video responses

You could create a video response to a high traffic video that is getting a lot of views. The more people who views that video, the more they will be exposed to your video response. You will get people clicking and wondering what your video is all about, and if they like it, they will more than likely check out the rest of your videos also.

This is similar to the online marketing strategy of blog commenting. With a video response, you will get a lot of rebuttals and a lot of positive feedback assuming if your video is of high quality. This is something that works really well when trying to get more YouTube visitors. Here's the last way to get more YouTube views:

3) Post more and more videos

The videos you post, the more your overall video count will increase also. So while you may not have 1 incredibly successful video, with enough videos created.... you could be getting 1,000 to 2,000 views per day - all due to your large number of videos. Have you ever thought about this? If not, then you should consider it.

To me, creating YouTube videos are easy. It'll be in your best interest to make a lot of videos so that you can increase the amount of hits that your videos get on a daily basis. You can easily check your stats via your dashboard, and you can monitor your progress day by day.

Sometimes because of the niche that you're in, you have to use this technique. In a niche with a lot of competitors, you have to be competitive too if you want to stay in business. So you have to do what's necessary to make sure you're always at the top of the game.

Use these tips to have YouTube marketing success - even if you are a beginner.

Good luck with using YouTube to get more new sales.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   

3 Ways To Create A YouTube Video

If you're looking to market your website on YouTube but don't know where to start, I know how you feel. I'm sure you've probably heard that YouTube is an excellent way to market your products and services simply and easily, but the bottom line is that if you don't upload any videos there, you won't get any results.

There are a number of ways to create your YouTube videos, and that's what I'm going to share with you today. These methods of creating your videos are simple and downright effective. They're something that I highly suggest that you do in your business today. Let's take a look at the first way to create your YouTube video:

1) Camcorder

This is actually the best way, but also the most expensive. Hopefully you have a camcorder laying around in your house that is in good working order. If you don't have a camcorder, you could always go down to the Walmart or Best Buy to get you one for under $100.

With a camcorder, the quality is high. You get sublime footage that is unequaled. Once you have your camcorder, you will want to start recording. Make your videos about 5 minutes long (which will be easy to do if you're talking through the video), and don't bore your readers.

Make sure your face and body is shown, so that your viewers can get a good representation of who you are. Plus, you will gain credibility will make a connection between you and the people who are watching your videos. You can do a lot with a camcorder - so don't overlook it. Here's another way to create your YouTube videos.

2) A webcam

This is the lower version of the camcorder option, but sometimes you just have to do with what you have to do. In fact, when you go to upload your videos on YouTube, they have an option to "record from a webcam". So you can create videos all while you're logged on to YouTube!

This is a great solution for those who don't want to upload large videos and wait 30 minutes for just 1 video to finish. Here's another option that you have for creating your YouTube video:

3) On-screen recorder

There is a great software on the internet named Camstudio that allows you to record actions made on your computer. You could give an entire video presentation about how to do something, and your viewers can re-visit and give your video the "thumbs up" on YouTube.

I personally like this option better because I'm a big camera shy. And if you're like me, I think you will find this option suits you well. Just make sure that your website address is shown throughout the entire video.

All 3 of these options for creating your YouTube videos are easy and very simple to do. I advise that you start using one of these video creation techniques in your business today. Once you upload 1, you will be tempted to upload another one because of how easy it is to do. And you will want to continue this practice for as long as you use YouTube.

Good luck with creating videos for YouTube.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Why Animation Is So Popular   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

What to Shoot? The Perpetual Peril of Online Video

More and more companies are recognising the importance of having some form of video content on their website these days, but when it comes to deciding what to shoot the decision that is made can often be fatal to the video campaign.

48 hours worth of video is being uploaded onto YouTube every minute. Now that's a lot of eyeballs out there spending their time watching these videos, some of which have higher degrees of success and are watched more than others. When deciding on the content for an online video there are many factors involved and no step by step guide to show you how to the shoot the perfect video.

But there are some basics involved with filming for the web, elements that should be considered as a foundation to the video campaign in question. First thing to bear in mind when dealing with online videos is that the viewer can stop watching and switch to something else of more interest with a click of a button so the audience needs to be captured from the beginning.

So get to the point as quickly as possible, there's no need to draw it out and "sell" the viewer into watching the clip with rewards of scenic long shots and gentle music in the background, as pretty as they are. The viewer is there already and for a reason, information on demand is the key here and if you can't deliver then someone else will.

When showcasing the topic in the video, remember that it is a great chance to differentiate yourself from your competitors instead of just showing raw footage of whatever it is that you are shooting. This works with products, services and business profiles, so add some human interaction! Testimonials are ideal for this and are able to highlight your strengths and what makes you great.

If the campaign is targeting a specific demographic then make sure that you have a presenter or narrator that fits the same profile and talks the same language, you want the audience to relate to what they are watching.

Keep your video short, 2-3 minutes for an online video is long. 90 seconds is considered good, but this all depends. Just like everything else!

If you have more than one product or aspect to your business that you are showcasing and the video starts going over 3 minutes remember that it is better to break it down and segment it into shorter clips that deal with a single element instead of one long continuous clip. If the clip is too long and not relevant to the viewer, interest will be lost and they will stop watching. By breaking it up and then titling the clips you will find your audience will be more inclined to choose the clip that is relevant to them, therefore giving them what they want.

These are just a few points to think about when considering a video for your website, all of the above is dependent on the situation as everyone is different and so are videos. Well, we like to think so at least!

All the best in your latest pursuit!

Jeremy Bentley

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   

Internet Marketing - Your Guide to Video Marketing

Here's a simple guide to get started:

First, know what your target audience wants to watch. Before you start filming, ensure that you have a very clear idea as to what your target audience are looking for. Don't worry as doing this is relatively easy. First, run surveys on your website and on your blog. You can also ask on forums. Most people would want to watch how-to guides and useful presentations. Just give them what they want so you will not have any problem getting them to watch your videos.

You would want people to not only watch your videos but to take action. You would want them to visit your blog/website and you want them to share your videos via Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Well, that can only happen if your content is worth sharing. As much as possible, impress your prospects by giving them unique, valuable information. Sharing insider tips and trade secrets would usually do the trick.

Quality counts. Even if you have the most entertaining, most educational content, people will not watch your videos, much more share them, if the quality is poor. So, invest a little when filming. Get nice lights and quality camera. Also, ensure that your audio is clear and crisp. If you're using background music, ensure that this will not affect your audio in anyway.

Think of an amazing title. Your prospects will decide whether or not to open and watch your videos based on the title that you're using. So, ensure that you use something that is compelling and thought-provoking. If you know how to pique their curiosity, you can be assured that your videos will be opened over and over again.

Keep it short and sweet. Time and time again, I'll tell you that online users have very little patience especially when they're looking for information. They want everything fast and instant. So, don't take too much of their time when doing video marketing. The key here is telling them everything that they need to know in as little time as possible. 1-3 minutes would be fine. Anything more than that, you can expect your audience to fall asleep before they even finish watching your videos. You don't want that to happen, right?

Promote your videos. Use social networking sites when promoting your videos so you can reach more potential clients. Just insert the link and tell people the gist of your content. To gather more interest, ensure that you write this in a way that you can target their emotional hot buttons or pique their curiosity.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Why Animation Is So Popular   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

How To Create Quality YouTube Videos And Increase Popularity

There are many ways you can promote a website. The more ways you utilize, the more popular your site will become. You will receive more traffic and make more money. What are some commonly used methods to promote a website?

1) Article marketing. - Write articles and submit them to popular article directories to get exposure. The more articles you publish, the more traffic you will receive.

2) Forum marketing. - Participate actively in relevant forums. Once you become an established members, start to recommend resources by posting links to your websites.

3) Web directory submissions. - These directories accept links. So all you need to do is to submit your links and wait for them to be approved.

4) Social bookmarking. - Social bookmarking is based on sharing. There are a handful of popular social bookmarking sites out there. Just submit to the established ones and if your story gets featured, be prepared for tons of traffic.

5) Guest posting. - You can pick popular blogs and offer to contribute content as a guest. Usually, these blogs will link back to your sites as a form of non-monetary compensation for the quality content that you have contributed.

Sometimes, webmasters tend to forget that they can promote their sites with videos as well. So it's not all about links. Videos can go viral as well and create a lot of buzz for the sites. Here is how to create a quality YouTube video.

Video creation.

Step 1: You will need a video cam to shoot the raw footage. Many smart phones come with high quality cameras these days. So you shouldn't have a problem shooting a video with decent quality. If you have the budget, invest in a good video cam. Otherwise, a smart phone will do just fine. Alternatively, you can use software like Camtasia to create screenshot videos. The software will record the screen and your voice as you work. Such software is great for recording software tutorials.

Step 2: You will need to edit the raw footage and polish up the video. The video doesn't need to be long. A 3 minute video is ideal. If the footage is too long, separate them into different videos. You can use any software you like to do the editing. Windows Movie Player is available for free if you don't the budget to invest in fancy editing software. Professional grade editing software can cost up to thousands of dollars. Obviously, they are not for everyone.

Step 3: Upload your videos to YouTube. Make sure you enter the keywords that you wish to target. The video description should also be keyword rich.

Step 4: Promote the video. Embed and share the video on popular blogs or on your own sites. This is an attempt to generate "seed" traffic. If the video is good, it will start to generate buzz and more people start to share your videos.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   

Jump Start Your YouTube Success

Even at the time of this writing, in early 2012, video marketing and YouTube are still powerful for search engine optimization as well as increasing visitors to your website. Video marketing is not hard to learn; so you need that knowledge in addition to creating good video content. So this article will briefly cover three important points regarding YouTube and video marketing: the title of your video, the length of your video, and promotion of your video.

The title of your video is very important for grabbing the attention of people, and that is what you want to do. There is a similarity with article directories because it is the title that helps the content get viewed, and that is what you want.

If you have great videos and your titles reel in the viewers, then that is how you can build-up your YouTube channel. Now, you do need to optimize your video titles just like optimizing the title of an article or blog post, and each video will have its own main keyword phrase. Just the way your website's title is important for search engine optimization, the title that you give to your video is also important for its success.

Be extremely careful about long videos (over ten minutes) because they warp peoples' minds, or, people hate them. But, as always, if your videos are engaging and jam-packed with great content, then people will watch an hour's worth if they are that good. So, yes, this area is a judgment call because you usually do not know if your content is great or not. You can make shorter videos (under five minutes) and just see what kinds of comments you receive from people. If you are good enough you will get some subscribers, and then at that point you can deviate from things and experiment.

There are basically two main places for promotions, on YouTube and then externally such as search engines and your own site. You may also post your videos at other video sharing sites. These other sites will bring in additional traffic, however they will not bring you the traffic that YouTube can. In addition to SEO you may also post your video to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter as well as social booking sites like Digg.

Web video marketing is a great way to promote your business to potential customers. Following these guidelines will help you find your customers and reel them in.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   

Video Traffic

If you have a business and have a product or service to promote then you realise the importance of traffic. One of the best ways to go about this is to create your own videos and generate video traffic. Over the years there has been a video traffic explosion and it will only keep on escalating.

Article to video

If you write articles, features that get published or just general information about your products then these are great candidates for video content. Each article is a potential video traffic growth goldmine for you and one that you should consider in your online marketing strategy.

Sure people love to read published content, but studies have shown that they like to watch also. Once your article is converted to video content they can still read it on screen. However, they can also hear the spoken article words.

You can add music as well as photo content to the video just to give it more buzz. Make it pleasing on the eyes of the viewer. Don't just throw anything together in a rush as it won't engage the viewer and they will quickly start clicking on other videos.

You do not need any special article to video converter software. There are slide packages and video editing software available which can do the job well. Alternatively, simply hand it to someone who specialises in this kind of work.

Speak clearly and have a happy tone to your voice. Don't come across as a gloomy speaker. If you are selling something then you must sound excited about what you are promoting, unless of course you are selling something like funeral coffins. I think you get the idea. You may have heard the phrase 'Content is king'. Well it holds true with videos also. Ensure your video has at least some of the following features:

Entertaining Professional Unique Newsworthy

With video traffic marketing, if you want your video to appeal to many people then it has to stand out from the other videos in the same category.When people start paying attention to your video content you will find you get exposure on media related sites as well as other websites. Start creating instant video articles today.

Make your video go viral

The more exposure you get for your video the better it becomes for you. More and more people see your video, like it and pass it on. Once it starts getting shared you can expect great things to happen.

Think about how many times you have seen YouTube videos on the national news for example, even if the subject material is not always the best.

You should take action and start promoting your video in different ways. Here are some examples of how you can do that:

Post links to your video in forums Embed your video in your website or blog Add your comment to other blogs and post your link also Email your video link to your friends and family Share it on sites like Facebook and Twitter

YouTube has a community which you should aim to participate in for more video traffic. Subscribe to any YouTube channels which you like and leave a comment on the videos. As more and more people see your comments they will link back to

4 Video Trends You Shouldn't Ignore

In video production, technology is constantly changing. This is an exciting element of our industry but can also be confusing to the uninitiated. Here are some current trends that are a part of our daily lives in the Video Content world.

1. DSLR Technology

One of the major new trends in shooting video is the DSLR camera. The DSLR is quickly becoming the new standard because it is very versatile and cost effective. Shooting with a DSLR utilizes still photo cameras such as the Canon 7d and their larger image sensors. These sensors are larger than most video cameras and allow for a more narrow depth of field. This narrow depth of field allows for a more "movie like" look, where the background is out of focus. The DSLR will shoot video in full 1080 HD which, when coupled with the flexibility of the large image sensor, can produce some breathtaking videos. Hollywood has even started to use these cameras for big budget motion pictures!

2. Online Video Content

Video content on the web has really taken off in the past few years. When YouTube first came out, it was a great site to watch videos of cats playing piano. Now it is a place for creative minds young and old to share their visions with anyone. The amount of quality content and number of users has skyrocketed since its inception. Video on the web is also becoming more prominent on business websites. Businesses can showcase their products and services in a way that engages as well as entertains the viewer. Companies are using video as a way to drive consumers to their websites in all avenues of their marketing campaigns, and it's working.

3. Effectively Reach New Audiences

Businesses are now using the internet to broadcast meetings worldwide as they happen. Bands stream concerts to people who can't make it to their shows. Even the President of the United States has used live broadcasts over the internet to answer questions from around the country. Live Webcasts are here to stay, and a quality webcast send a statement about your business.

4. Green Screen Technology

Green screen is not new technology, of course! Technology has ramped up the use of green screen in news and entertainment, but there's a place for it in the corporate world as well. Keying out the green screen and adding in a certain background can set the mood for your video. You have so many more options for backgrounds that what you're likely to find around a standard corporate office.

Thanks for taking the time to read current trends in video production, and we hope it helped trigger an idea or two about how you can utilize video to make your company stand out.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   

How to Create Informative, Traffic-Generating Videos

Video marketing is definitely one of the hottest internet marketing tools today. With the popularity of YouTube and other video sites, this can definitely help you in creating product awareness and in reaching out to your prospects. Videos, at least the great ones, are proven to help in building trust, in pulling up page ranking, and in capturing online users' attention in a heartbeat. Well, they're much more appealing compare to regular web pages and blog posts.

Here's how you can use video marketing:

1. Before you start, remind yourself that your main goal here is to attract traffic and make money. Realize that you need great videos to make this happen. Research video sites and watch those ones that were making huge waves in the online arena and learn from them. What makes them so special? What elements were used to make them attention-grabbing? What makes them memorable? It will also help to read articles like this where you can get tips so you can avoid committing deadly mistakes along the way. Write your script. Don't just grab your webcam, start talking, and hope you can wing it. Remember, you need great videos and making great videos require proper planning and precise execution. Ask yourself; what do I want to say to my target audience? What do they want me to tell them? These people would love for you to share with them some useful information. So, don't just start by talking about your products and services. My advice is to help your viewers first before you advertise.

2. For example, if you're selling mobile high speed internet solutions, you can discuss the problems that people on-the-go usually face when they're on the road. Highlight the inconvenience of not having internet connection when they badly need it. Then, explain how your products work and how it can benefit your prospects. Do this while targeting their emotional hot buttons and mentioning those things that they consider most important.

3. Start creating your video. Keep in mind that people online usually have very short attention span. So, if you can make your videos run for just 10-20 seconds, that would be perfect. As I said a while ago, don't start with blatant ads or sales pitches as people have the tendency to get defensive even if they have intention to buy. Start by saying "In this video, I'll teach you how you can.... Or expect to solve your problem by watching this video..." People would like to know why they would want to spend their precious time watching what you've recorded. Then, talk about the problem, offer explanation, provide solution, and include the products that you sell as part of the resolution.

4. Visual presentation. Using clean background and crisp images would obviously help you in making your videos more effective. If you're doing presentations, I would recommend the use of Open Office Impress or Apple Keynote. Also, don't forget to add texts of the features and benefits on your slides for emphasis. Lastly, include emotional images that can be truly useful in your conversion rate. For example, if you're selling diet supplements, using the picture of a woman who has the perfect body would help.

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Can You Make Money On YouTube?

For most people, YouTube is simply a video hosting website that provides hours upon hours of entertainment; it's good regardless of whether you are looking to simply waste your time or learn something specific. However, what most people don't realize is that YouTube is far more than just an entertainment and education center you can also make money on YouTube. The best thing about this technique is that it doesn't require you to have any capital beforehand, or experience in anything when it comes to computers (although you will need to get slightly familiar with Windows Movie Maker, or any other video editing software you may have).

So what is this technique that can make money on YouTube? Well, first of all you need to join the Amazon affiliate network (which is quite simple and easy), after which you need to look around for hot products. Make sure that the product you will be promoting has at least a few hundred reviews behind it. Also, you should keep in mind that products having to do with vanity, such as weight loss pills and teeth whitening for example, are by far more successful than other products. After finding the product, you need to go on YouTube and find a few videos where people review the product. Download the videos to your computer using a special plug-in you can find on Google, and edit them in your video editing software so there is an image before and after the actual video, urging your viewers to click the link in the description, which will be your amazon affiliate link to the product.

After you are done with making your versions of the videos, upload them all to YouTube. After that, take the videos again and cut out 0.1 seconds out of each one, and upload them again, under a different name and a different description; if you don't cut out the 0.1 seconds, YouTube will detect duplicate videos. If your goal is to make money on YouTube fast, this can prove to be just what you need; of course, like pretty much everything in life, it's not totally guaranteed to work, especially seeing as how YouTube keeps updating every few months.

If you can focus, work hard and disciplined enough to put the time into the project then I have no doubt that anyone can do it. There are millions of people who are doing it right now.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   

Why You Should Install A YouTube Subscribe Widget On Your Blog

Videos are popular wouldn't you agree? I have yet to meet one person who doesn't enjoy learning through watching videos. With the ever growing popularity of YouTube you definitely want more people visiting your channel. That is why you should install a YouTube subscribe widget on your blog.

Hopefully you know what a YouTube subscribe widget is but if not, it's similar to the social sharing icons such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and now Pinterest. They are located in the sidebar on blogs and it's an easy way for you to head over to those social sites and connect with that particular blogger.

Social media sites are where everyone is these days and YouTube is no exception to the rule. It's the second largest search engine so that has to tell you something right. Over three million videos are being viewed every day and we want to be sure that ours are among those.

We definitely want people to view our videos but we would really prefer that they subscribe to our channel. The reason for this is because when you upload a new video, it's going to show up on their channel wall. I always glance over the most recent videos that have been uploaded so when one catches my eye, I immediate go watch it.

Not too long ago I stumbled upon a YouTube subscribe widget that really makes it convenient for your readers to not only subscribe to your channel, but they can achieve that by never leaving your site.

We want people to hang around our blogs because although we have all these social media sites like YouTube, the only content that truly belongs to us is our blog. That is if it's self hosted.

You want your readers to be engrossed in your content so with this YouTube subscribe widget they can just click the subscribe button right there in your blog's sidebar and they are instantly connected now. How easy is that!

They never have to leave your site. As a matter of fact, if you are creating a lot of video blogs then they can also watch your video right from your blog as well.

I love the convenience of this widget although I wish it were a little more attractive. For now, it does its job and a great one at that.

Want to know where to find one and how to install it?

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   Tips for Developing Quality Online Marketing Videos   

Marketing Your Product Effectively Through Website Videos

Over the past decade the number of people interested in watching website videos has increased radically. Web videos that fascinate a group of audience are likely to be shared to more and more people through social media. This, in fact, is an ideal practice for business website owners who opt to reach out potential customers the cost-effective way.

Submitting a web video of your product or services to YouTube may be a good way to increase your sales. Once people get informed about what you have to offer and get interested in it, they will be driven to view your site.

However, not all videos can attract viewers. In order for your videos to draw a crowd, their production must be well thought of. Engaging videos are more likely to be watched by many. Perhaps, you are making an informative video. If all you have on it is text, no one would consider watching it. It would be best to make it a combination of images, music and text. In fact, having a person talking about or answering most frequently asked questions about your product and services would be more engaging to many.

In addition to this, allow your viewers to interact with you and provide a way on how they could communicate with you. As you continue creating product exposure videos, you can also make videos that can introduce your company, offer tutorials on how to use your products, training videos and testimonials. With these, you are able to get comments from your viewers and impressions about your business or company is formed. This is a great help for your product branding.

Using web videos as a means of communication is essential to driving traffic to any business site and possibly increasing its sales. It has actually led to what we call web video marketing at the present. The good thing about online videos is that they are easy to view and share. Besides your company website, they can also be posted on blogs and social media sites just like the famed Facebook.

YouTube is a must-consider option when it comes to video options. For one, YouTube's embed code can be easily integrated with your web presence. It also offers the additional benefit of potential web traffic drawn from YouTube related searches especially now that it is by the top search engine company - Google. Secondly, you can also implement flash-based videos for your web presence. Flash players are dominant over all computer platforms and web browsers. Thus, they can also be viewed easily in a consistent and high quality experience.

Promoting your products and services through website videos can get your products and services international even if they are based locally. This takes all your advertising and marketing efforts to greater heights. Your products and services get purchased as well from different countries through internet access. Hence, you must always resort to producing quality videos. It would then be beneficial on your part to hire a video production company that can produce your video or a series of videos for effective marketing of your brand.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   

Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production

We live in a day and age where money is tight, and it seems more and more companies are going out of business every day. In fact, it's not just small business that is feeling the pinch, even big companies are cutting back. When it comes to advertising dollars, businesses today need to know they are spending their money on initiatives that are producing a profit for the company. If the budget is expended on a failing marketing strategy, a business could literally fail overnight. Your marketing budget should be a top priority this fiscal year. That's why you should make sure to look at companies offering Explainer Video in the way of Corporate Video Production to boost your marketing results. But you may argue that video sounds expensive, so you can't help but wonder, does your company really need that this year? Here's how to find out if you can use corporate video production in your marketing campaigns this year.

When you are determining how to spend your marketing dollars, you have likely put some money in the budget for online marketing. If not, why not? Marketing online is a very effective way to market your business, and is more affordable than other print and offline advertising methods that you have been using. Not only that, but it casts a wider net and producers a higher ROI than the Yellow Pages listings you have been using.

Once you venture into the online marketing world, and start thinking about where your dollars are going to go, you will hear a lot about video marketing and how a marketing video or website video will work as a good marketing strategy. Today the average Internet user would rather watch a video than spend time reading. So having a good explainer video on your website works wonders in terms of explaining how your business works, and why people would want to work with you. A large body of research suggests that an explainer video will increase a customer's willingness to buy from websites, because it makes the business more relatable to the consumer.

In a nutshell, a good website video for your business can be very affordable to develop, but you need it done right if you want to establish a positive rapport with your visitors. Outsourcing this work to a reputable online video production company is a great way to initiate an excellent marketing campaign, and it is still more affordable than many of the other advertising methods out there. If you have a marketing budget for online advertising, this is a very good area to spend your marketing dollars, and you won't even need your entire budget to get it done. So if you're still wondering if your business can afford a corporate video production, you should be wondering whether you can afford not to.

Good Video In 5 Minutes   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Digital Video Distribution, Everything Is Shared   Using Video Marketing to Draw In Traffic   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   

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